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Nama penuh cheq Muhammad Fadhli Bin Mohamad Issa.Kawan-kawan cheq pnggl cheq 'pali'.xtw gk pasai pa.ada sebab kot noh.cheq owg kedah.biasa la anak jelapang padi.pasai tu cakap loghat cm ni.huhuhuhu.cheq lahir tahun 1995.cheq ni owg yg simple ja.klau hmpa nk kawan.cheq terima ja.hati cheq ni mudah terasa.jaga2 sapa yg nk kwn ngn cheq.xdk pa dh kot..kalau terbuka or sengaja buka blog cheq ni.jgn segan silu nk follow noh..cheq pn masih baru dlm wt blog ni(padahal xreti mna pn)..kalau nk taw lebih ag pasai cheq.add cheq dlm facebook noh..search ja Fadhli Issa..
Welcome To My Blog

Monday 19 August 2013

The place i want to visit

1)  France, Paris is especially top of the list of places in France I want to go, but I want to travel throughout the whole country as well.

2)  Poland, aka "The Motherland." This is somewhere I need to go in my lifetime.

3)  Egypt.  I want to see pyramids.

4) It'd be nice to see the rest of the island and chill in Dublin.

5)  Hawaii.  Because paradise and surf.

6)  Uganda. .I think it'd be kind of cool to go there

7)  Italy...just in general.  Tuscany, Rome, Venice, all of it.  The food, the culture, the art, everything...I want to go.

8)  The Grand Canyon.  I still have yet to go.  But I've always wanted to.

9)  Machu Picchu....it's gorgeous and fascinating.